I recently read the book titled, ” The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.”
This book completely changed my perspective about keeping the house decluttered and tidy at all times. It is possible, but it takes a much different approach than conventional “clean-the-house” wisdom.
STAY TUNED: Review & giveaway of this book happening later this week!
In the book, Marie Kondo outlines her method, then goes by category, explaining how to declutter each type of “stuff” in your house. I was loving this book, and in my head seeing all the stuff I would get rid of, and how beautiful my house would look if I could adopt this wonderful, new method.
When it came to the section on decluttering books I came to a screeching halt…
If anyone reading this is a book lover, you will understand my dilemma. The KonMari method actually suggests that you get rid of almost all your books, and only keep those very special books that you have re-read multiple times. She keeps only 20-30 books at any given time. I thought of my many, many books boxed up in the attic, and the shelves in my living room packed full of books, and my first thought was NO WAY. How could I get rid of these books that had added so much to my life?
Finding good reads, and having a hardback copy of it for my shelf, has always been important to me. I have several books from this past year that I’ve read and thought, “I will definitely be reading this again!”
So I sat in shock for a moment, then very decidedly said to myself, “Well, this is one part of this book I simply can’t agree with, and I will not be getting rid of piles of books from my collection as she is saying to do.”
Then I continued on with my reading, thinking that was all settled…
A few minutes later, my mind started wandering from what I was reading, and back to the idea of getting rid of books (on the basis of having already read them, and therefore not having any further use for them.)
“I think I will re-read them, but do I really do that? Some of these books, particularly those about business & blogging will be dated five years from now, and much of the information no longer relevant. Hmmm, am I hoarding good books that have been read only once and are practically brand new?”
What I realized was, that when I read a book by an author I love, there is little chance of me going back and reading that same book again. Instead, I always pick up a copy of another book by the same author. For example, I did a blog post about “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” by Crystal Paine. In my head I had this on my “read again” list, but now I’m reading her new book, “Money Making Mom.” Hopefully she keeps writing, and I keep reading each new book she publishes, but going back to the first book, is unlikely.
Long story short, after thinking it over, I have decided that it makes more sense to give away my favorite books instead of collecting them.
Here are the benefits of giving away my books…
- Less “stuff” in my house. Less to dust, less to store, less to move around.
- The books will be much more useful if they get passed on to others who can use them before the information in them becomes dated.
- My attic will thank me. I have bins and bins of books up there, so it is a good time to stop adding more volumes to my already large collection.
- I can always purchase another copy of a book down the road if I want to read it again. Buying used books on Amazon or thriftbooks.com makes getting a hold of great titles easy and inexpensive.
- It makes me happy to think of the book being a help to someone else, rather than collecting dust at my house.
- It will be great for my blog readers, as I plan to give away these once-read books, right here, to whoever wants them.
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So here’s how it’s going to work:
- When I finish reading a really fantastic book, instead of shelving it, I will write a quick review with a picture and put it up here on my blog.
- If the book looks like one you would like to read, you can comment and let me know.
- After a week I will randomly draw a winner from all the commenters names.
- I will contact you to get your address, and ship the book out to you via media mail the next time I’m at the post office.
P.S. No need to worry about the shipping cost, I’ll cover that! 😉
Please jump in on these posts and chat with me about what you’re reading, or why you would like to win the current book giveaway.
For the sake of giving instead of hoarding——decluttering instead of dusting——I’m giving away my favorite books as I read them. The best part is, I’m kind of excited about it too! 🙂
Wow. Gives me something to think on. I do not think I could get rid of most of my books. I could go through and ask myself if I would ever read them again though.
I know, I know! Exactly how I felt. And I’m not getting rid of ALL my books or anything. I do have some very vintage ones that aren’t replaceable, and some classics that I’ll hold onto for my kids to read.
So, I guess I’ll cross my fingers and hope I win because you have a couple of books I want!!
🙂 Pretty good chance you will win something here! I told you I love giveaways!! 😉
I’m kind of in the same boat! I never would have thought about getting rid of the books I’ve read that I love. Definitely food for thought 🙂
I totally surprised myself when I said to Rick, “I’m thinking about getting rid of a lot of my books.” I’m pretty sure I surprised him too! lol!
Great idea! I know several people who have completely changed their outlook on things and organizing after reading that book. I may need to read it too now! Excited for all of the giveaways too 😊
Well, when I picked it up, I thought the title was a little dramatic, “life-changing magic…” (eyeroll.) But now, I admit, it was pretty life-changing. 😉
I’ve heard a lot about that particular decluttering book. Lately I’ve just wanted to get rid of so much but it feels so overwhelming too.
I definitely know what you mean. If you feel overwhelmed, you should read this book, because she breaks it down really nicely, and it’s very inspiring. For me, it gave me exactly the push I needed to get going on decluttering! Once you start, I will warn you, it is hard to stop– and you’ll probably get rid of more than you ever thought you would! 😉
I read that book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: and really enjoyed it! Some of the things were a little weird and hard but I took a lot of her methods and used them. I still have a ton of stuff I can probably get rid of but I’m taking baby steps 🙂 I’m excited about your book give away 🙂
Yes, some of the things she wrote were a little odd to me as well. Perhaps cultural?
Great thoughts…I am going to have to think on it a little :). I actually just graduated from hoarding all the books that “looks interesting…I MIGHT read that someday”. I told my husband that it just hit me that there are so many books on my “to get” list that I know I want to read. ;). But, now the “Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up…” is on my “to get” list :)!
This is so me! I will hear about a book and order it– then all those other books that are waiting on my shelf just have to wait a little longer. haha! 🙂 One of the reasons I had to take a hard look at all my books and decide what I was ACTUALLY going to read.
Reading the first part, I was thinking, “No Way” too. I love books and I always have the same thought of reading my favorite books again. But your reasons are right. Many people would benefit from the books you’ll be giving away. Your story is inspiring and I do hope I’ll get even one of your favorite books. Thank you so much for this giveaway, Elizabeth. More powers!