Ahh, Easter! The time of year when lots of colorful, plastic eggs end up around the house. And of course, the kids just looooove the eggs, and can’t bear the thought of getting rid of them when the holiday is over!
What’s a mom to do with all these eggs?
Here are a few fun & educational ideas for how to use them after Easter is over.
{This is a round-up of posts from other blogs that I tracked down for you. I’ve linked to all the original posts so you can hop on over to these blogs for full details on each activity!}
Egg Scoop For Toddlers
I love this idea from “Plain Vanilla Mom” using a colander and water!
Number Matching Sensory Bin
See more over on “I Heart Crafty Things.”
Alphabet Hunt
Check out this great idea on “Busy Toddler.”
Uppercase\Lowercase Matching
“Mom Wife Busy Life” shows how to make an Uppercase\Lowercase matching game out of eggs.
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“The Seasoned Mom” shares an awesome idea for energetic little ones!
Word Families
Math Eggs
Here’s a similar idea from “Homeschool Preschool”, only this activity teaches Math. Love this!
Outdoor Kitchen
Lastly, here’s how my kids used last year’s Easter Eggs in our pretend play.
So MANY fun ideas!
I’ll have to keep some in mind for grandchildren, now that my children are all too old for these. 😉
Thanks for sharing these!