I feel like I am always recommending “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” by Crystal Paine (author of moneysavingmom.com). It was such a help to me, that I can’t help telling other moms about it!
So many things in this book resonated with me, and I was able to make some immediate changes to the way I was running my home and scheduling my days, that made my life simpler.
It is a practical and encouraging guide to balancing home organization, time with family, “mom time”, and work.
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This book also started me on a mission to simplify my life by decluttering the house and getting rid of things that were unnecessary. I’m continuing to work on this, and it is very freeing to have less stuff, and as a result, less cleaning and organizing to do.
Growing up I was the family packrat, and kept every scrap of sentimental paper, and anything I “might use someday”. That changed drastically when I got married, because I found out that my husband was also a packrat. Two packrats doesn’t work out well, so I quickly became the minimalist. We recently have been working together to live a more minimalist lifestyle, and we are loving it!
Do yourself (and your family) a favor, and take the time to read this book! There are so many great little ideas in here that you can implement immediately–as well as some bigger lifestyle changes that take a little more work, but are totally worth the effort!
Ok- I need to just bite the bullet and read this one;)