Yep, you did read that title correctly….a hornworm. I’m raising a hornworm. You know the kind? They’re those huge {HUGE} green worms that eat tomato plants. You see, the kids found one in Nana’s garden, and it now lives in a jar with plenty of grass to munch away on. They’re waiting for it to turn into a moth. {yuck!}
I’ll spare you a picture of the delightful worm as I have very unpleasant memories of these creatures from my childhood days in my family’s vegetable garden.
Instead I’ll share some pictures of our newest little {human} addition to the family. 🙂
Michael loves “his baby” so much, and we thankfully had no trouble with any kind of resentment toward little brother. In fact, he is quite determined that he is a big boy now, and that is helping Mommy so much!
I’m not sure how long it will take me to figure out my new rhythm with four kiddoes. While the children have all seemed to adjust well, I’m still over here wondering how I’m supposed to do everything I need to do in a day.
Please tell me I’m not going to be an hour late to everywhere for the rest of my life!!
The moments of tears and feeling inadequate that have come with adding another little one to our family are far outweighed by the delight of these sweet smiles that I love so dearly. This {rambling} post isn’t supposed to come across as whiny. This is just real talk. The motherhood journey is not an easy one, but it is a worthwhile one.
Wiping sticky hands, answering way too many questions, solving disagreements, 3 year old emotions, what to make for dinner, “I don’t like veggies”, the game who-can-say-mommy-the-most (I’m certain this is an actual competition), ever changing toddler clothing sizes, band-aids on every little scratch, noisy car rides. Oh my….motherhood is crazy. Motherhood is exhausting. Motherhood is ups and downs. Tears and laughter. Beautiful and messy. Motherhood is a gift and a challenge. Motherhood is feeling inadequate, but carrying on.
Motherhood is not what I thought it would be like.
It’s harder, a LOT harder than I ever knew. And it’s also amazing, much more amazing than I thought possible. When I feel like I love as much as a person can love, another baby joins the family and the love grows more. How does that even happen?! It’s a miracle. If you’re a mama, you know just what I mean.
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If you’re a mom like me, wanting to do it all right and yet unable to live up to your own expectations, don’t get discouraged. You’re not alone in this journey! There are other mothers of littles– or mothers who have already raised a small tribe of children into adults (I like to call them professional moms)– who are willing to come alongside and lift you up. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who is a couple years, or many years ahead of you in the journey.
I promise I’m writing this as much for myself as I am for all of you. These last few weeks have been bumpy at best, and I constantly need reminders that every bit of this is worth it. God gave ME these children to raise for HIM, and I know He’ll give me what I need along the way!
You may not be raising 4 kids, — and I seriously doubt you are raising a hornworm, –but no matter if you’re raising one child, or seven children, you deal with the ups and downs of motherhood. Don’t compare yourself with the mom of 3 or 5 children when you have one. One is a challenge and joy, just as multiples are a challenge and a joy. I’ve often heard that the first little baby who turns your world upside down can actually create the hardest stage of motherhood, and it gets easier from there. I suppose it’s different for every person.
I guess what I’m trying to say, is that there is no “She only has two children, why can’t she keep it all together?” thoughts here. But I believe that we sometimes speak to ourselves like that. “I only have two kids, why can’t I do it all?”
The mom of many knows that the mom of one can still use a helping hand and an encouraging word. The mom of many knows that “just one” baby can wear a mama out.
Four is simply a new kind of busy. I don’t really know that I can say it’s harder than 3, or 2, or 1… Each number has it’s own kind of busy. With one I went to bed exhausted some nights, and with four I go to bed exhausted some nights. So hug your baby (or your babies), and remember, it’s not about the number. You’re doing great! Comparison will only discourage you. Ask the mom you admire how she does it all. If she’s honest, she’ll probably laugh and tell you that she hasn’t got it all figured out either.
Drink another cup of coffee and do the next thing. This is the mantra of my life right now.
I’m thankful for the mamas in my life who have told me it’s not about perfection. It’s about doing our best, loving our kids, and asking God for wisdom daily.
Just read your post through tears. Been there; done that. 🙂 Finally purged the last of my maternity clothes around here yesterday. Bitter-sweet.
You are doing a fabulous job. Just keep keeping it real. God is your strength.
Pregnancies and babies do not last forever. You know that. Stages of life…every one is the best!
Fabulous photo shoot, by the way!!!
I looked at my son-in-law, Miguel, today as the three little girls (ages 5 and below) were being their normal noisy selves and asked, “How could we do this if there were FOUR of them!” It’s like I could keep up with my own three, and now the three little grand babies, but it seems like that someone would get misplaced when there are four. You’re doing an amazing job, and I admire all that you do to encourage moms (and grandmoms) out there. And you do not sound “whiny” – just honest. Makes the rest of us feel, well…a little more normal! Also- your babies are gorgeous.
Thanks! Those are real feelings that often go unsaid because everyone seems to be trying to live a “Pinterest perfect” life and we don’t want to show the real ups and downs. Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂 (and maybe I am glad that my children don’t like bugs yet!) 🙂
Each generation of moms bring their own set of expectations to the the mommy job. My daughters were in their 20’s before I stopped turning around while shopping when hearing, “Mom”. God bless you for capturing those years with its trials and its joys. Equilibrium as a mother is a fleeting feeling. It never lasts. The love of those early years makes me smile in my senior years. Life just keeps rolling along while we struggle with keeping everyone’s’ head above water.
Love your blog! Although we have never met, I have known your family since your parents had 8 kiddos and we had 3. 😁 It has been a blessing all these years and hoping we do meet you all some day. Photos were amazing! Beautiful kiddos!! God bless you!
I sure needed to hear this. It is very easy to get into the mindset of “I only have one. I should be able to keep this together.” Thanks for the reminder that motherhood is hard work, but rewarding!