The joke is that by baby number 3 or 4, people stop getting excited about it. And let’s be honest, this is when you really start getting a lot of the “Are you done now?” question from people… friends…random strangers at the grocery store…
Now you might think that in my huge family, having babies has become commonplace. But I was recently realizing that this is not the case at all! I am so blessed by the shared joy that each new baby added to the family brings!
Just in the last couple of weeks, I have felt so loved and cared for when one sister gave me new swaddle blankets for baby #4, another sister went out and bought me a brand new maternity top (because at the late stage of pregnancy nothing fits and a new top can make you feel like a new women!), and a third sister wrapped up a basket full of pretties and pampering things for me!
Each baby is greeted into the family with the same enthusiasm, as if it were the first. How special! Whenever an announcement is made, “We’re having another baby!” there are tears of happiness, hugs, and talk about names.
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Truly each child is a unique miracle.
As I reflected on how thankful I am to have this kind of loving family, I also realize how much this has shaped my perspective when it comes to children!
I grew up with 12 siblings. That was my normal, so it didn’t seem strange to me. My parents were always so excited when they shared the news about another sibling being added to the family. I never heard them complain, or act like they didn’t want or couldn’t handle another child. I’m guessing they had days they felt like they were drowning in children, but it certainly never showed. Children were not talked about like some kind of inconvenience, or accident, or duty. And that shaped me from a young age to cherish and treasure each little miracle!
Same thing in our family! Babies are the biggest deal…ans so loved and cherished!
I love this post! It makes me so sad to think of the attitude that most of our country has towards children. I think the only way we change that is to change ourselves! So here’s to your mission! To see all babies and children as precious gifts from the Lord and to teach our children likewise!! ❤️