As I was planning out what picture to use for our baby number 5 announcement, I thought back on the pictures we used for the other baby announcements over the years. I thought it would be fun to put them all in one place, so here they are. 😉
At the time we found out we were expecting baby #1 (Kenny), I was teaching violin six days a week and had a couple hundred students I saw every week. We waited until I was 12 weeks along to announce, because we had already gone through one miscarriage and we wanted to be sure everything was going well before making our announcement. So when we wanted to share our news with everyone, we simply posted this picture on our Facebook pages. We didn’t include any text, but everyone seemed to get the message! 🙂
Only a few months after Kenny was born we found out #2 (Addie) was coming along. This time we had Kenny wear a “Big Bro” shirt and again posted the picture without any text. The first few people didn’t even notice that the picture was also an announcement, but as soon as one person caught it, the congratulatory comments started rolling in!
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Right before Addie’s 1st birthday, we discovered that #3 (Michael) would be arriving in April….(but he actually didn’t show up until May.) Since it was a Christmas announcement, we wrapped a gift from Kenny & Addie to the baby, and put it under the tree.
When it was time for announcement #4 (Caleb), I dug through the kid’s Legos to create this little Lego family. Baby lego in a basket, and lego mom with a giant cup of coffee. This has been my reality for some time now!
And finally, here we are at #5! We are looking forward to September when we will meet our newest little one!
I LOVE all of the announcements, every.single.time!
We are so spoiled with babies in this family.
God bless you and may you have a wonderful, peaceful birth.
I love you, Lizzie.
Huge congratulations!!!
Congratulations! Another sweet blessing from God!
I have to say, I’m glad we weren’t the only ones who made an announcement for a certain month and baby decided to wait. 😂 Our #3 was supposed to be August, and didn’t come until September.