I’ve never been good at keeping up with a journal, and I can’t seem to find the time for scrapbooking. These little books not only capture many special moments like a journal or a scrapbook would, but they also double as reading books for the kids!
Let me show you how…
The idea here is to create short photo books with a story about your child. I format so that the picture is on the left and the words on the right. Printing the text in a large size, and using an easy-to-read font will make these great for use when teaching your child to read.
Kids love, love, love, stories about themselves, and will ask to read these over and over again. I like to write them using simple sentences and storylines, like what you would find in a children’s storybook. In fact, flipping through the books on your kids’ shelf will give you ideas for titles and themes.
I’ve also included a list of themes at the end, for inspiration to get you started.
These are some of my favorite books! One for each year of their lives. It includes their favorite things to do, their weight, nicknames we’ve given them, etc. If I didn’t make time to get any of their other books made, I would want to have these, to remember all the little milestones of childhood.
Using the same photobook company each time, makes it easy to create a format you like, and then just use that format every time. This will save you so much time, and your books will all match–which is something my OCD loves. 😉
Be sure to put the month and year the book was created on the back cover, or somewhere in the book.
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Taking pictures of a one year old can be tricky. As you can see though, whatever they do makes cute, memorable photos for your book. If they’re extra ornery during pictures, you’ll be able to show them one day, what you went through raising such a high-spirited child. 😉
Using a smaller size (these are 8×6) make them easy for the kids to hold. Another advantage to a small book is that the picture is smaller, so you can use phone pictures without them getting too blurry. Also, smaller books are little less expensive too.
To save some $$ you can check out Groupon.com for deals on photobooks. Just read the fine print to see if there are extra charges for shipping or hidden fees.
Storybooks with grandparents or great-grandparents are some of the most special books of all. Arrange an activity for your child to do with their grandparent. Something simple like a table craft, baking, or playing in the back yard–or a visit to the zoo, fishing, or fun at the park. Snap pictures as they make memories, then turn it into a story to keep forever. These make AWESOME gifts for the grandparents at Christmas.
In Addie’s “Baking with Granny” book, we put the recipe on the last page.
Grandparents can also make these for their grandchildren. How about instead of a toy for their birthday, you give them a gift certificate to a special day out with you? Take pictures, make a book, and they will have something much more personal from you to keep forever. (You don’t outgrow these books. 🙂 )
What a remarkable wedding day gift it would be, to one day hand your child all the volumes of their childhood storybooks. I plan to have them reprinted when they get older, and do just that.
I may start new series as well, that feature more than one child. I was thinking, “The Adventures of Kenny & Addie” would make a fun set!
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Lastly, I want to say, people ask me, “How do you find time to do things like this?” Don’t let it overwhelm you. Some of these books were made months after the pictures were taken. I just do it as I have time here and there, and I don’t stress about it. Start by making one, and add books to your collection as you have time.
I absolutely love this idea! I would love to do a few of these for my kiddos! Brilliant idea- thanks for sharing!!!
You’re welcome! Thanks for the comment. 🙂
Me too loving this idea…My thing is I’m horrible at picture taking, as well as printing any photos ever!! I really want to start something like this. It would kind of hold me accountable to get photos printed.
I am also horrible about printing pictures, so this has helped me at least have something that’s not on a computer. I have high goals to get all caught up with printing their pictures to go in photo albums or organizers, but I have about 3 years worth of pictures to go through, so the books will have to do until I get around to that. 😉
Such a GREAT idea! I will definitely (hopefully 😉) be making several of these adorable books for my babies too!
Adorable idea!! What company did you use to print these?
I used Printerpix.com for these. I like the 8×6 size, and they have Groupons frequently. If you use Groupon make sure you get the one with Free Shipping! You’ll come out a little lower on the price. 😉
I came across your blog and have really enjoyed reading it. This post stuck out to me a lot because I’m always trying to think of ways preserve memories. This is a great idea! Were you happy with Printerpix? Have you ordered from them a lot? I have used other sites in the past and wanted to know what you thought of this company. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!
I have been happy with Printerpix for this project. I have ordered from them a good number of times. I used several other photobook companies previously. Some were better, some worse. Printerpix ended up being my go-to for the kids’ books, because I wanted to make a lot of individual books, and using Groupon, I was able to get these for a really good price. They have held up well, and look nice!
Also, thanks for reading the blog. It’s good to have you here. 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying it!