Here’s a little secret about me. I love kids (well, that’s not really a secret π ) and after my own kids are grown, I want to be a children’s photographer. Β I have a lot to learn about settings, lighting, and editing– but thankfully I have three wiggle-bugs to practice on. This is because, you must look for a means to female viagra pill enjoy a fabulous sexual life and remove a label of male impotence. Autistic children and then adults are very impressionable and are guided in their rare contacts with the outside world, a whole system of fear. viagra for sale australia The sachet cialis bulk easily melts in the mouth as it melts on its own. So, the fundamental look at this storefront levitra price thing in life is to accept the way your partner is. Β My biggest challenge right now is capturing the carefree moments of childhood, without catching too much motion blur. π Β Here’s a a peek at this morning’s photo shoot adventure….
Super cute! Did I miss where this teepee came from??
My Father-in-law is the leader of a Boy Scout troop, and the teepee actually belongs to the troop. It just happened to be up in the back yard, so I took advantage of it as a photo op. π But I am looking for a great deal on one of those smaller, super cute teepees that people are into right now. π My house is kind of small for a teepee, but I’m thinking maybe something foldable that I could pop up outside on nice days and store in the shed in between. Anyway, that was a really long explanation. haha! π
Elizabeth, I believe your photography skills are very good. These are adorable. Neat tent, is this in a park or your back yard?
Thank you, Mrs Anderson! It was temporarily in Rick’s parent’s yard. They had it up for a Memorial Day get together. π