I never thought I would be a “Mommy Blogger” but here I am…a Mom…blogging…
Oh well! I’m excited to get started sharing information, resources, and ideas for fun, educational activities and games for your littles.
I’m also excited to get to know more moms through this whole “blog world.”
Before I get started, I would love to share with you my inspiration for The Little Years blog….
Kenny (3) was the first child to call me “mama” and change my life in amazing ways! He is a quiet, thoughtful, typical perfectionist first born. He loves to do everything like Daddy, and thinks of himself as very grown-up.
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Then came Michael (now 10 months old.) He is the snuggly, little charmer. He has an undeniable shade of red to his hair right now, which is forever sticking up, despite my patting it down and even trying hairspray! The other two siblings are thrilled that he is FINALLY old enough to be interactive with them in their playtime.
My husband and I own a small business (Plum Grove Music) and that takes up a lot of our time right now as it is in a high growth stage. I personally have a great love for all things business related, so I get to help out a lot with business strategizing, managing growth, and budgeting. 🙂 Some of my other loves are photography, reading, traveling, spending time with my family and inlaws, playing the violin, and singing. I’m a strong introvert, so I like close, authentic relationships and family time! <3
If I had to limit my interests down to one thing though, I would have to say that teaching children is my favorite! It constantly amazes me how much (and how quickly!) very small children can learn, and how much they enjoy learning. I hope to share many useful things on this blog that I have tried with my kiddoes, and hope you will jump in and share ideas and inspiration as well!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!
So excited to follow your blog. Thanks for all your encourage and you are such a blessing to me!:)
I look forward to following your blog as well! We have so many similarities!