This summer, I discovered a set of board books that is simply awesome! Have you ever noticed that there are TONS of board books teaching colors, numbers, letters, animals, and shapes? Of course, we want our kids to learn those, but how many books on your children’s shelf include colors? (not to mention toys, DVDs, etc that teach colors too!) They’re going to learn their colors one way or another… but did you know…???
There are biography/history board books!!
I just think this is so great! Why not teach your little tots the stories of famous people and events? And did I mention that they’re board books! Why is this so important to me? Well, I don’t know about you, but each of my kids have gone through the tearing-pages-out-of-books stage, and with 3 kids 3 and under, board books just survive and last longer. Yes, I do teach them not to rip up books, but you know, real life happens around here a lot, so we have many board books during these training years. 😉 (Don’t even get me started on lift-the-flap books. Why did someone think that was a good idea for kids?)
Here’s the thing. I have seen books for kids that include history before, but never like these. In other books, the illustrations are goofy, or the actual storyline is silly and not very factual, (children learn in facts —see post here) or it’s written more for 6 or 7 year olds.
These are perfect for 2-4 year olds, with one sentence per page. They include dates of important happenings, and a very basic outline of people like George Washington, the Wright brothers, Rosa Parks–and certain moments in history like, America’s Birthday, Gettysburg, The Star-Spangled Banner, etc.
The illustrations are simple, and realistic. Young children will sit through these because you can move through them quickly, and there are a lot of nice pictures to look at.
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So, maybe you’ve seen these, but I never had! I’ll link some of the titles here so you can check them out on Amazon. I bought mine in good used condition from a book website (, but they only have some of the titles there.
The Story of George Washington
The Story of America’s Birthday
The Story of the Star Spangled Banner
The Story of the Wright Brothers
They do have some in this series that are about Bible characters, but since we already have several Bible story resources that we enjoy, I only ended up purchasing two of those.
So tell me, had you ever seen these before? What is your favorite children’s book or author?
Comment below and let me know! We are always on the lookout for good reads over here.
Lastly, I’m giving away two of these (pictured below) here on the blog. If you have already subscribed to the blog, you are automatically entered in the giveaway (yay for you, my faithful readers! 😉 )– and if you are not subscribed, you better pop your email address in the side bar (or down below on a mobile device.) Don’t forget that you have to confirm your subscribe in the email you receive in order to make it onto the subscribers list.
Love this! I have never even thought of how helpful this is until reading your blog. 🙂 I’m gonna have to look into these!
One of our favorite books is an old one called “Blueberries for Sal”. Not educational, but adorable!
I had “Blueberries for Sal” growing up–but had forgotten about it. I definitely need to get that one for my kids eventually! “Make Way for Ducklings” was my favorite by that author though! 🙂 Good memories!
These are so great! I’ve never heard of them before. My Amazon wish list for the kids grows every time I read your blog. I love that they are all educational items that they can benefit from!
Thanks! These books look awesome. I love how you find things that make learning so easy for young children. I agree with Jen in that my Amazon list grows every time I read your blog. I think our favorite book is “The Happy Man and His Dump Truck” but that comes mostly from David’s family having and liking it as children too.
That book looks cute! I know a lot of the books my kids have are the same ones I had growing up. Probably because of all the memories attached to them. I guess that’s how books like, “Goodnight Moon” become classics that everyone owns. 🙂
Just told My boss about these! They look great! 🙂 love reading your blog! By the time I have my own kids I should be a pro just by reading your blog 🙂
These are great! We LOVE board books, and my kids absolutely love the ones by Sandra Boynton!
I just looked these up. I’m only familiar with “Moo, Baa, La La La.” I didn’t realize she had written so many more. Fun!
These are great! Thanks for sharing!!
I have never seen these. This is great. I will have to look into them. Some of our favorite children’s books are the Christopher Churchmouse books by Barbara Davoll and the Bernstain Bears series.
I loved reading Good Night Moon to my kids and having them look for the mouse on all the full room pictures. My older kids liked the Billy and Blaze books by C. W. Anderson. Looking at his illustrations will amaze! I love books with good illustrators. Lisa Mccue and Gene Zion are some favorite illustrators too.
Soooo yeah. I really need to get don’t of these! With how much my boys love books it would be great.
When we were at your house a couple days ago I saw that one called ABC of Jobs. That book is so awesome! I want to get it for Kenny & Addie. 🙂
Wow! That’s so neat. I l.o.v.e history. Baby J l.o.v.e.s to read. Just picked up a Pride and Prejudice board book at the library for her. Will have to check these out.
These are new to me and I am so excited to check them out!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Didn’t I find the first one at a resale shop…just a dime or 25 cents or something?
I immediately loved it, but you kids are past that age; so now, I will watch for them while out resale and garage sale hunting. 🙂
Love you.
Yes! “The Story of the Wright Brothers” my kids favorite one! 🙂
I love the God’s Wisdom for Little Boys and God’s Wisdom for Little Girls by Elizabeth George. Great for teaching character.