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–“And I promise you, for every lesson I have taught them, they have taught me one too.”
Boys are not men yet.
Boys can be quiet too, sometimes.
Boys can have a sweet side.
Boys can be taught to be appropriate.
This is something we still have to work on daily, and will be for many years to come. It is so worth it though. It is of utmost importance for our sons to know what is appropriate. They need to know how to act in public and how to act in private. They need to know what to say at the table, and what is ok to joke around with dad about in the workshop. They need to understand what is appropriate behavior from others, and when it is necessary to tell Mom and Dad if something wrong is happening. They need to know the difference between sitting in church, and sitting in a crazy exciting VBS night. I could go on and on. Basically, every aspect of life has an “appropriate ” and an “inappropriate”, teaching them to discern the difference, then act accordingly.
Boys can follow Jesus.
Our biggest prayer request for our sons is that they would be saved, and follow Christ from a young age. We know that many scars can be avoided by simply living daily in the will of God, and allowing Him to have first priority in our lives. This is something they will learn from example as much as verbal teaching. As parents, our job is to live in such a way that our kids can truly say, “I want to know the God that Daddy and Mama serve, “I want to have him do miracles for me like he has for them.” It is going to be much easier for them to come to that place if they see a consistent example from us as parents. Guess what? This is the hardest thing to do. That’s where the precious Holy Spirit having control, and an extra helping of grace comes into play. Praise the Lord for both of those!
“The boys that the Lord has given me to raise are my most precious treasures.”

What a sweet and loving post packed with helpful tips for this momma of one boy.