We recently found Discovery Channel’s “How It’s Made” videos on YouTube, and I had to share with you all, in case you don’t know about these.
They are 3-5 minute clips showing how common everyday items are made. They have everything from breath mints, to jelly beans, to false teeth….yes, really, false teeth!
Some of our favorites have been:
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But there are so many more to choose from!
If you’d rather have them in DVD format, they have them by the season on Amazon. Seasons 1 & 2 have 200 different products on 5 discs. Check it out here {How It’s Made Seasons 1 & 2}. This seems like a great investment, especially for the homeschooling mom. I even did the math, and it’s about 0.19 cents per episode/video clip. I’m hoping to order these soon! Our new minivan has a DVD player, and these seem like they would be great for long car rides!
I find these fascinating to watch myself! As far as I know, they’re not designed for a certain age group, but they are interesting enough for Kenny & Addie to watch and ask for more. Michael is only interested for about two in a row, and then it loses his attention, so I would say ages 3 and up on these!
I’m on the hunt for more educational DVDs that would be great for young children, so if you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments below!
Disclaimer: These are affiliate links to Amazon, so if you purchase through my link I will receive a commission at no extra charge to you.
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