I just added some printable chore charts for kids in the Printable section of the website. Check them out {here.}
Below I’ve also included suggested chores for ages 2-6. I had to get my sister’s help on this one, because my oldest is only three! Click the link below the chart to get the printable PDF version.
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Kenny is currently using the dog theme chart, and Addie is using the owl theme.
These dry erase pockets are great for making them reusable. Just slide the chart into the pocket, and use with wet erase markers.
I have been looking for something like this for awhile now. I love this!
Chore Charts is really work.
I have three children under the age of 5. The eldest child I raised with printable charts. But they are constantly lost or damaged. Now I use the Manini app for three children. These are the same printable cards but in the phone. They are not lost and are always at hand, even on a walk. In the app, you can mark the completion of tasks and children like it very much. They actually ask for tasks themselves to make a mark the task. I felt much better. And I’m not nervous and it’s easy for children to become independent.
So simple, helpful and easy on the eyes for mom. Thanks for this free printable! I’m laminating it!
Hi, I would like to consider that your children (as you’ve taught them) are very much grown but what do 2-5 yr olds know about taking out trash or doing laundry or cleaning kitchens, even vacuuming?
I know ‘teach them at a young age’ but that is very much too much for these little ones. Let kids enjoy their childhood without pressuring them into adulthood, with responsibility.